Sunday, April 23, 2006

Long Time, No Post -- But I have excuses.....

I believe it was Robert Frost who said "April is the cruelest month." He wasn't kidding. I was just speculating a few weeks ago that I have never had an enjoyable April since coming to college. At least that I can remember. I'm not sure what happened freshman year, but three years ago I was smack dab in the middle of a very emotional (and legal) battle. Two years ago I was pretty much breaking up with someone. Last year the same damn thing happened. This year, it happened again. Add to that the fact that I still have no job for the summer, I have no money, my mom had surgery, my great grandma died this semester, and I've been constantly sick since January (with a few breaks), and you could easily say I should be ready to break down right now. Sitting on the porch last Thursday night, I pretty much said, "I feel a little suicidal right now." Obviously, I was exaggerating slightly...and then the tornado hit. Not metaphorically, either. A damn tornado hit. Destroyed our road. One minute, I'm thinking my life is over. Next minute, I realize that the minute before was actually pretty damn good.
So for those of you who are my friends and haven't really heard from me, my situation is this. For now, I'm homeless. I'm living on the generosity of anyone willing to help--and luckily enough for me, I've had a few good friends who have actually stepped up. Thank you to those of you who have. I even have a friend taking care of my cat illegally. Thank goodness a little bit of the "spaz" in Tonks has taken a sedative for the time being, or she'd be even more of a handful.
Currently, I'm trying to get a job with the Upward Bound Project. They work with underpriviledged high school students during the summer, tutoring them in English, Math, and Science. I'd be a Resident Mentor in the dorms and would help coordinate activities and keep those kids in line. It would be so great if I could get this position, but I have to do a group interview first. Ahh! I hate group interviews:( Wish me luck!


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